Video: How To Install And Use WordPress Plugins

Webguru shows you how to install Plugin on WordPress Blog manually.

Article: How to Tap Successful Predictive Analytics

If you’re wondering how to tap successful predictive analytics, you’ve come to the right place. This article will teach you the basics of developing an accurate predictive model, integrating it into your workflow and processes, and monitoring its results. While predictive analytics can significantly impact your business, it may not be as straightforward as simply plugging in data. Therefore, it would be best to consider the following tips to get the most out of it. Here are ways in tapping successful predictive analytics.

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Recommended: MaxBlogPress Opt-in Form Adder

An opt-in subscription form on a blog is a phenomenal must-have tool that has helped catapult a lot of famous bloggers to success. The secret ingredient? The subscribers list – readers who “opt in” or sign up for email newsletter updates.

By inviting your readers to subscribe, you are effectively asking them to keep coming back, to not forget you, to pay attention to what you have to say.

Well, you might know this already. Maybe you can’t even wait to prove this, except that you don’t know how to put an optin form on your blog!

But fret no more, adding an opt-in form on your WordPress blog is no longer a chore with MaxBlogPress Opt-in Form Adder plugin.

Get it here: MaxBlogPress Opt-in Form Adder

Blogging Tool: Nucleus CMS

Nucleus allows you to easily maintain your own weblog(s) on your own server. It offers a system that is easy to install, but still offers maximum flexibility.


Blog Hosting: Pitas is now offering free and easy to update pages with an easy-to-use web interface. Most people use their pitas page to create some sort of “recent news” page for their site, or a weblog (basically a list of links with some commentary that is updated frequently).


Blogging Tips: More Adsense Tips in Blogging

by: Ernan Baldomero

When I first made a “real website” by buying my own domain (Blogging the Internet), I started to tinker with various content management programs to build my site, and later learned that blogging is the easiest way. Now I’m sticking to it.

But at first I was one of the million newbie webmasters who are lured to the “get rich quick” paranoia” that abound in the internet and also tried my best looking for internet programs that will take me to that paranoia. I was utilizing various pre-hosted sites (my favorite is Freehostia in doing the test-and-try website building trying to find my own niche on the cyberspace and the same time hoping that I will earn somehow through it.
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