Evaluating The Types Of Blog Platforms

by: Paul Abbey

When creating a blog the choice of blogging platform will be one of the first and highly essential choices that as a blogger you have to take. Blogging can either be a major chore if the wrong platform is chosen, otherwise it could very well be easy if the right platform is chosen. The program that you choose to blog with is an essential part of your weblog. With a little time and effort, you can find a site that personally works for you. Finding the blogging platform that is right for you may take some time, but with a little research and perseverance, you will find the one that fits you.
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Choosing Your Words so You Can Earn Money by Blogging

by: Adam Waxler

Although there are a lot of ways that you can make money on the Internet, blogging is probably one of the easiest for a beginner to get started with. As a matter of fact, if you do things properly you can expect to earn money by blogging within just a few days, or perhaps a week at the most. While I’m not guaranteeing that you are going to get rich overnight, I can tell you that if you choose your words carefully, you will have a much better opportunity to put some money in your pocket.
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Blogs – The Ultimate Business Marketing Tool

by: TJ Philpott

It is quite common today to create a blog for business marketing purposes.

Originally blogs were simply personal journals on which the individual could share their personal experience, voice their opinions, or perhaps express their passions to the internet community.

Eventually the uniqueness of the blog’s ability to more deeply engage their readers became apparent. Many resourceful online marketers have come to recognize the potential this platform has for promotional advertising.
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Blogging Tip: How to Find Topic Ideas

by: John Child

If you have a blog, you know that there is nothing more daunting than sitting down, and wondering what in the world you’re going to say in your next blog entry. You kind of have the feeling that if you don’t have something good to say, that no one will want to read it.

So how do you find stuff to talk about? Here are a couple of ideas:
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Blog Commenting: The Short-Term Benefits Vs. The Long-Term Benefits

by: Luca Moretti

Commenting on blogs is often cited as being important for any website’s link-building efforts. However, the benefits of blog commenting vary depending on how you approach the process. Most people who are doing it solely to build links and drive traffic to their site leave quick, relatively thoughtless comments on blogs that do not have no-follow turned off. While this may bring your blog instant traffic and links, the long-term benefits of leaving thoughtful comments and building relationships with bloggers is far more valuable.
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Automatic Blog

by: Bob Coleman

Automatic Blog WordPress Plugin is the topic of this article. Now that I’ve used it for several months, I’d like to share my experience here as it may be helpful to other Internet Marketers who use WordPress Blogs and bloggers in general who are looking for ways to automate their blog posting.

I own several domain hosted WordPress blogs. My greatest challenge was posting to my blogs on a recurrent basis. Since these blogs are in several niches, I typically researched the current trends in that particular niche, took notes, wrote a brief article about a new slant on the niche and posted to my blogs. Obviously this is time consuming and tedious. Especially if you have to do it for multiple blogs.
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Optimizing WordPress Blogs

by: Jonathan Leger

When using WordPress Blogs, you need to use the proper elements. Headings are always at the top. Paragraphs need to have the right structure. Make sure your lists are actual List and not some gibberish. The theme should be constructed properly, if you use Images make sure there is text to back it up. Keep your content up to date and good, great of course would be better. Let you creativity flow. Use the permalink structure.
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WordPress Themes: Selecting an Effective Theme

by: Gobala Krishnan

If you’re blogging on the WordPress platform, I’ll bet my entire life savings that the first thing you ever did was try to install a new WordPress theme. I’ll bet my future earnings that even today you’re still occasionally changing themes and wasting a lot of time doing minor modifications that when summed up merely distracts you from blogging itself.

It’s actually easy to see why this single aspect of running a blog demands so much attention. With the correct theme, you can accommodate all the nifty little widgets and codes, and may also mean better search engine rankings and tons of fresh traffic every day.
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Installing WordPress Themes and Plugins

This is just a very quick overview of how to install all the fancy themes and plugins that make wordpress such a great blog platform.

Before you read this you should already be familiar with wordpress and be part way through setting up your blog. I would recommend you read the post “Blogs 101 The Essential Tips For Setting Up WordPress” on the TimScullin blog before you start.
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The Benefits of Blogging

by David O Connell

Blogging is an efficient connecting and interacting tool, which makes extensive use of different Internet attributes. It is largely used by advertisers for marketing purposes. It has also become greatly popular among teenagers and older generations to share ideas and obtain guidance in different fields.

Knowledge sharing and management is the most important benefit of blogging. Apart from this, other advantages include self-marketing, community building, better customer service, interactive journalism, social reforms and better communication techniques. Below are some key benefits.
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