How to Get Started Blogging in 5 Minutes or Less

By Linda J Bruton

I put off starting a blog for a long time because I thought it would be hard. I thought it would be technical. I thought I’d have to install scripts and tear my hair out getting them to work. At that point, most of what I’d read about blogs and RSS was just so much geek-speak.

Was I ever wrong!

When I finally got the courage to give it a go, I went to and signed up for an account. To my amazement, I had a blog set up in about 5 minutes. My first post was uploaded to my site about 10 minutes later.
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Blogging for Dollars

By Sharon Housley

Blogging for dollars might sound like the latest game show or some new drinking game, but it’s the latest craze to hit the Internet. Bloggers began blogging for a number of reasons, but as the blog movement has increased in popularity, they have found ways to monetize their blogs and are seeing their commitment pay off.

Whether a blogger’s focus is to communicate with customers or just to have fun, they have begun looking at ways to earn revenue from their blogs. The most popular ways for bloggers to earn some added cash for their pet projects are:
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MaxBlogPress Opt-in Form Adder

An opt-in subscription form on a blog is a phenomenal must-have tool that has helped catapult a lot of famous bloggers to success. The secret ingredient? The subscribers list – readers who “opt in” or sign up for email newsletter updates.

By inviting your readers to subscribe, you are effectively asking them to keep coming back, to not forget you, to pay attention to what you have to say.

Well, you might know this already. Maybe you can’t even wait to prove this, except that you don’t know how to put an optin form on your blog!

But fret no more, adding an opt-in form on your WordPress blog is no longer a chore with MaxBlogPress Opt-in Form Adder plugin.

Get it here: MaxBlogPress Opt-in Form Adder

Blogs in Plain English

A short introduction to blogs – how they work and why they matter.


How To Use Feedburner For Supercharging Your RSS Capabilities

From – How to quickly and easily set up the MyBrand feature for your Feedburner feeds so you can use your own domain name for your feeds.

What RSS Is And Why You Need It

Learn bout RSS feeds and how to use them to your advantage.

How To Create Your First Blog Post And Blog Page

Blogs are a powerful way to help search engines find your organization, communicate with your constituency, and engage potential donors and volunteers. shows you the way.

How To Install And Use WordPress Plugins

Webguru shows you how to install Plugin on WordPress Blog manually.

Choosing A WordPress Theme For Your New Blog

How to install a premium do it yourself thesis theme in wordpress.

How To Upload Files To Your Webhost Using FTP

If you want to make quick work of uploading files to your FTP site you’ll want to check out WS_FTP Home. It’s fast, intuitive, and really easy-to-use. You’ll need to have the details for an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) site to connect to. In our example, we’re using a web server. FTP is a quick and easy way to get files and pages from your home computer to your home page. is owned and operated by Icthus.Net Communications.
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