How To Install WordPress

Discover exactly how to install WordPress in 5 minutes, without FTP or other technical knowledge. Avoid pitfalls and get the SEO right from the beginning.

How To Get Your Own Domain Name

You’re ready to debut your web site, but you need a URL. Give your web site a domain that is both memorable and fitting.

24 Tips and Strategies on How Everyone Can Blog Right and Get Everybody to Read

by John Teh

By the end of 2004 blogs had established themselves as a key part of online culture. “Blog readership shoots up 58% in 2004 6 million Americans get news and information fed to them through RSS aggregators But 62% of online Americans do not know what a blog is.” – Pew Internet & American Life Project

Tip #1 – How and Where Should I Start?

You should begin your blog with a free blog hosting service such as Blogger (, or other similar free services such as, or The learning curve for using such free services allow you to spend more on developing your content rather than worrying about the advanced areas of scripting, hosting, or programming.
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5 Expert Blogging Tips For Beginners

by Leigh A. Zaykoski

If you’re just starting a blog (or two or three), it can be overwhelming. You need to choose a blogging platform, get your blog set up, make regular posts, check for comments from readers, make sure your links are working, and attend to a hundred other details. If you don’t know what to do and what to avoid, blogging can be difficult at best and completely frustrating at worst. Follow these tips for beginners to turn your blog into something you can be proud of.
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Blogging Tips

by Harmony Xu

Organic traffic from search engines is what you’re always suppose to be focusing on. Work with your main targeted keyword, search this keyword in search engines and advertise your link on the top sites you see on the search results. Thus, when search engines crawl the sites, the bot will follow and crawl the site links on their page.

Your Key: Search engines love fresh content, be sure to update your blog daily with new content. I can’t even stress how important this is.
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PHP MyVideoBlog for WordPress

PHP MyVideoBlog is a plugin for WordPress, a famous blog software. With this plugin is easy to create automated niche videoblogs. Your videoblog will be automatically updated everyday!!

It’s perfect to create niche videoblogs. MMA, Iphone, Fashion, Sports, Comedy, Celebrities, and much more. Use your imagination.

The plugin grabs the embed code of the videos from several providers and automatically publish the post! You don’t need to host ANY video in your own server, all videos will be published using the original embed code from the provider!

You choose the feed source, the category, the keywords, the days of the week that you want to grab videos from this source… and the plugin makes the rest of the work!

Get it here: PHP MyVideoBlog for WordPress

MaxBlogPress Stripe Ad

Pop-ups, pop-overs and pop-unders are all seen as obtrusive advertising that interferes with the user experience of your blog. The last thing someone needs is a flashy ad message popping up everywhere when they are trying to read your blog’s content.

Enter “Stripe Ads”, a new non-obtrusive way of displaying a single line of advertising message, a special note or other information right at the top of your blog, just like this:

A cool “stripe” appears at the very top of your blog, with a call-to-action to get your blog readers to click on it and be taken to the appropriate landing page. The ad itself is simple, easy to use, and you can have multiple ads rotating according to your needs.

Get it here: MaxBlogPress Stripe Ad

Different Posts Per Page for WordPress

While using WordPress, a major question that pops into your mind might be -“How can I set different number of posts in category and home page?” Well, you can’t. All you can do is set a default value for every page in WordPress.

Now, you can have total control over the number of posts you want to show in home, category, archive or any specific pages of wordpress. Get the freedom using “Different Posts per Page” plugin!!

The “Different Posts per Page” plugin makes sure that you have maximum control over number of posts in specific categories.

Get it here: Different Posts Per Page for WordPress

WordPress Cloner

Unleash the power of subdomains and blogs without all the hassle of manually creating the subdomain or tweaking all the plug-ins, settings, ping list, and more – WordPress Cloner creates a PERFECT WORKING COPY – ready for content.

Have you ever spent hours tweaking a blog for Adsense, Tag and Ping, Uploading and Activating Plugins, adding your customized Ping URLs, carefully adding links to the sidebar, customizing affiliate banners, and getting the graphics just right – ONLY to realize you have to do it all over again when you want to duplicate it on a subdomain, folder, or other site?

Those days are over!

WordPressCloner will take your completely tweaked blog, all the settings and completely CLONE it anywhere on your site.

And most remarkably – it will even create a subdomain FOR YOU without touching cpanel!

Get it here: WordPress Cloner is the latest innovation from DotPH, the Philippine Domain Registry. is the domain name for individuals. is a comprehensive, easy-to-use solution for people who want a presence on the Internet. packages range from just a domain and personalized mailbox to full-featured blogging and photo gallery capabilities with webhosting.

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