Useful Blogging Tips

by Alan Metcalfe

The term “blog” is merely an abbreviation of “weblog” meaning a frequently updated web-based journal on virtually any subject reflecting the style and/or personality of the writer. Just a few short years ago, blogs were mainly personal journals created for the amusement of the writer and for sharing ideas with friends and associates. This situation persisted until some blogs started to generate hits in the thousands, then millions and their potential as serious money making concerns became apparent. The fundamental question is: what is the objective of writing a blog? If it is merely to record impressions of cousin Jane`s wedding for friends and family, the barriers to success are pretty low. On the other hand, if the blog can generate wide appeal or it is designed to convey information about a company or any topic where site users will pay money to subscribe, or where advertising revenue can be generated, that opens up a whole new scenario. Assuming the latter, then a few simple tips may be of value.
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