Preserving Your Most Precious Memories on Your Blog

Just about anyone and everyone these days has his or her web presence in one form or another. Some people use Facebook, some build personal web sites, and others blog. And what they use their web presence for is as varied as each person’s individual personality. Some use it for voicing opinions. Some use it for promoting products or services. And some use it for just mundane stuff.

How about preserving your memories on your blog? Isn’t it a perfectly good reason to run one?

Before the age of digital photography and before everyone started carrying a smartphones with built-in cameras, family photographs and videos were stored in photo albums and shoe boxes. And in addition, many folks have their most cherished moments (like weddings or family vacations) on magnetic video tapes. All these are prone to deterioration because of age and the elements (weather, temperature, humidity, molds, etc.).

So preserving these and sharing them on blogs now seems like the most important thing you can do.

But before you can have these photos and videos posted on your blogs for posterity, they have to first be converted to digital format. The downside is that with the sheer amount of photos, slides, films, video tapes and what-have-you’s, the task becomes quite daunting even for the most energetic DIYer. The upside? There are many companies that can do these conversions for you.

One such company is ScanDigital. They offer photo scanning and video & film conversion to digital format. The typical steps involved with hiring them for the job goes something like this:

  • Place your order on their website;
  • Send your photos/videos/film to them via UPS (the UPS label is generated from their site and comes with tracking);
  • Upon their receipt your package, all materials are cleaned and inspected using the highest quality equipment;
  • They convert/transfer your photos/videos/film to digital format;
  • They ship back your originals along with your digital copies.

Thus, you receive a lifetime of memories on disc or hard drive that are preserved forever. And you now have them in formats that you can easily upload to your blogs.

ScanDigital assures their customers with confidence when using their services. That’s why it is part of their fundamental policy to provide world class customer service. Give them a call at 1.888.333.2808 to inquire about their services.

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Alternatives to Blogs and Blog Hosts

It seems that just about anyone and everyone these days has some form of web presence. Whether it’s a blog, a Facebook page or a personal web site, it is becoming a given for a person to have his or her own web site. But with so many options available, what does one do? Which path does one take? And who can one ask for help.

Stephanie, who runs Website-Builder, might be able to.
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Seen a Negative Blog About You? ReputationDefender Can Help

These days, just about anyone can set up a blog. And the possibility of seeing a negative blog post about you and your reputation isn’t that remote. So if it happens to you, who do you call for help?

ReputationDefender by is today’s cutting edge solution for online reputation management. They offer a variety of solutions for management of your internet identity. This ranges from removing your private information on the internet to managing Google results about you. ReputationDefender’s system allows you to have full control over how you are seen online.
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Looking for Blog Hosting Services? Make Sure You Get Reliable Storage

We are at an age when everyone seems to have an online presence. It’s no longer just for the corporate entities or large oprganizations. Over the recent years, smaller mom-and-pop and garage operations have also capitalized on what the net can offer their businesses. It doesn’t stop there. These days, just about any average Joe has some online presence usually in the form of blogs.

Blogs are probably the quickest way to getting an online presence for businesses or individuals. If you want to have a web site up and running in a manner of minutes, then go set up a blog. And because this is now the trend, nearly all web hosting companies even offer packages that they call “instant presence” or “blog package” – which means just what they infer. You sign up with them and your web site is set up instantly using a blogging platform like WordPress.

Equally important to having instant presence is the reliability of the providers’ data storage system. What good is having a web presence set up so quickly if it becomes intermittently inaccessible because of unreliable data storage? So check to see that your provider has a well-architected shared data storage system.

According to Wikipedia: A storage area network (SAN storage system) is a dedicated network that provides access to consolidated, block level data storage. SANs are primarily used to make storage devices, such as disk arrays, tape libraries, and optical jukeboxes, accessible to servers so that the devices appear like locally attached devices to the operating system.

Nexsan Corporation is a company founded in 1999 and headquartered in Thousand Oaks, California that provides a very comprehensive range of enterprise-class, easy-to-use and efficient system solutions that address each and every customers’ unique data storage requirements. They offer hardware and software products that combine the benefits of cost-effective performance, power and space efficiency, ease of use, scalability and unmatched reliability to provide Highly Efficient Storage (HES) performance and functionality.

The Nexsan SAN storage system contains anywhere between 14 and 60 drives in a very small footprint. Nexsan disk arrays can be increased in capacity, up to 360TB, with an additional expansion unit holding up to 60 drives in 4U. Nexsan ensures efficiency, reliability and ease-of-use by unique features such as Active Drawer Technology™, Anti-vibration Design™, and Cool Drive Technology™.

So whether you’re simply looking for a new provider to get your blog/website up and running online immediately, or if you’re considering getting into the business of offering a blog hosting service, one of the key elements to consider is having a robust and reliable data storage partner. Look to a company like Nexsan for solutions.

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