Importance Of Customer Retention

A very successful businessman once said that your next big customer is your old customer. Whether you run a small home business or a huge enterprise, your customers are what pumps blood to your business and your bottom line. Thus, repeat business and referrals from happy customers are essential to ensuring your business’ endurance and longevity.

Unfortunately for a lot of businesses, they realize late in the game that it’s so much easier to generate repeat business than it is to bring in new ones. Businesses need to know from day one that the customer is the most important part of the equation.
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Accounting, Costs and Pricing Seminars by Federal Publications Seminars

Federal Publications Seminars is a leading provider of practical, high-quality courses and materials for contract professionals. Having more than 40 years experience in the field, Federal Publications Seminars offer hundreds of public seminars that cover the full spectrum of contracting subjects.

The instructors and faculty are full-time working professionals. They are leading practitioners from law offices, accounting firms, federal agencies, companies, and universities. They teach the most current and practical information relevant to contract professionals.

Some of the Accounting, Costs and Pricing courses and seminars offered include:

Cost and Price Analysis in Government Contracts – two very critical and essential tools used in assessing fairness and reasonableness of proposed prices which must be understood by buyers and sellers in all government contracting situations.

Commercial Item Acquisition – provides an extensive analysis of developments in the acquisition of commercial products and services by the Federal Government. It aims to assist participants in learning how to benefit from specialized regulations applicable to the acquisition of commercial items.

Cost Accounting Standards – a comprehensive course in Government contract requirements with key instruction by specialists in accounting and law. This course includes coverage of new developments and any prospective implications of the Pension Protection Act of 2006.

Accounting Compliance for Government Contractors – is a 2-day program covering accounting systems in the context of general cost accounting concepts and processes adapted to the specific requirements for contracting with the Federal Government.

Government Contract Accounting – accounting in Government contracting has its own unique set of specialized rules, regulations, standards, and problems. This seminar aims to give attendees a solid, practical understanding of Government contract accounting.

For more Accounting, Costs and Pricing seminars and other courses offered by Federal Publications Seminars, please go to their web site at or call 1-888-494-3696.

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ERP Software for the Food and Beverage Business

For those in the food and beverage business, they know that complying with FDA as well as USDA requirements is not to be taken lightly. The regulatory requirements are strict and non-compliance can mean the end of one’s business. Fortunately, there are technology companies that offer solutions to help f&b operators and distributors meet these standards. Business owners who employ these software solutions ensure the customers – that’s us, the public – products that are safe and reliable.

One such company is TGI. TGI has been around since 1990 and is an industry-leading provider of manufacturing and distribution software solutions to small and mid-market manufacturers and distributors. Their flagship product is called Enterprise 21, a fully-integrated business management software solution which they developed, implement and support.

TGI’s Enterprise 21 offer f&b companies fully-integrated food ERP software functionality that is designed to meet the ever evolving and expanding industry regulatory and compliance requirements. Enterprise 21 offers comprehensive and configurable food ERP software solutions to enable industry best practices and meet industry standards.

Enterprise 21 controls all the aspects involved in inventory management such as compliance management, bi-directional lot traceability, integrated quality control, and shelf life and expiration date tracking. The food processing software capabilities provides advanced material planning and production scheduling capabilities. And it features RF and barcode-enabled warehouse management system for streamlined warehouse operations and precise lot data recording.

Enterprise 21 is a tightly integrated system covering all possible requirements of a business enterprise including financial management, purchasing, CRM, business intelligence, and order management. All these are available in a comprehensive food processing software solution that operates on a single database, thus eliminating the need for duplicate data entry and improving organization-wide data integrity.

To get more information on TGI and Enterprise 21, give them a call at 1-800-837-0028.

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Tackling the Problem of Unmotivated Employees

Do you own a business that is experiencing a shortfall in productivity? Your bottom line could be suffering because employees don’t feel motivated and engaged in their work. This kind of problem is common among businesses everywhere. Many businesses just don’t realize that keeping employees motivated just as important as ensuring profitability. Bear in mind that it is impossible to increase productivity if employees are not motivated.

So why are employees not motivated and what can be done about it?

Business owners need to realize that each employee has unique personalities. So factors that affect one may not be have the same effect on the next. Some of the common roots of having unmotivated employees in the workplace include poorly matched positions to the employees’ actual skills, hard-to-please managers and bad work ethics. On a personal level, common roots include addictions, family or marital problems, health issues. Whatever the roots might be, it is important to be able to identify them and define a solution.

And how can the business owner motivate employees and improve productivity among them?

As managers, it is important to know employees as individuals. Understanding what drives them and what their weaknesses are will help in placing them where they can be most productive. Giving incentives is a great motivator but also varies between individuals. Some may be motivated by quota-driven cash rewards while some might prefer the opportunity of getting a paid vacation. Whatever works for them, it is the job of the manager to identify what motivates the people in his or her team.

There are tools available to help managers tackle this challenge. Many companies use assessment forms and surveys to gather information about employee satisfaction. Others use knowledge management software to identify and enable adoption of employee insights and experiences. Still others employ collaboration tools with the goal of fostering teamwork among employees.

Remember – by identifying problems among individuals within the workplace, you can identify solutions that ultimately creates motivated employees. And when you have motivated employees, productivity and profitability come automatically.

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