5 Sure Ways to Protect Yourself When Serving Alcohol

You do not want to find yourself, or employer embroiled in a legal battle stemming from an incident of serving alcohol to the wrong person. Below are 5 of the best ways to stay protected and ensure you are doing your job right and responsibly.

Never Serve to Anyone Under 21

Never take a chance when it comes to serving alcohol to someone that is potentially under age 21. The penalties are stiff for non-compliance. If they seem too young, ask to see an ID. If they want a drink, they will comply willingly. It is better to risk offending a customer than take the penalty for serving to someone that is under-age.
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Protect Your Website from DDoS Attacks

Securing your web site and applications is your responsibility. Everyday, you read about news of organizations having security breaches and you want to make sure yours isn’t the next one. But the fact is, most web sites have vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit to steal data, attack users, or bring your web site down. In many cases, hackers have tools or “bots” that were written specifically to attack vulnerable web sites.
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Jetpack for WordPress

Jetpack is a WordPress plugin developed by Automattic, the same guys behind WordPress.com. Jetpack allows you to:

1. Install over two dozen very useful plugins with one click (and update them – also with a single click).

2. Interact with millions of WordPress.com users, allowing deeper engagement with your site.

3. Improve site performance by taking on the load for these features and functions thus making your server’s load lighter.

4. Rely on the same folks behind WordPress.com for regular updates, enhancements, and troubleshooting tips.


Taken directly from WordPress.com’s “About” page…

“At WordPress.com, our mission is to democratize publishing one website at a time.

Open source WordPress is the most popular online publishing platform, currently powering more than 26% of the web. We wanted to bring the WordPress experience to an even larger audience, so in 2005 we created WordPress.com.

We’re a hosted version of the open source software. Here, you can start a blog or build a website in seconds without any technical knowledge.”

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