Blogging Tips

How to Choose a Niche When Building a Blog

by Veselina Dzhingarova

Few people build a blog just for the sake of being heard. While there are some out there that have no intention of making a profit, it is probably safe to say that at least 90% of all blogs are looking to either earn a living or subsidize the one they now have doing a regular job. In either case, whether seeking to make a profit or simply blog for the sake of blogging, there are a few things that can help you determine your niche when building a blog.

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Useful Blogging Tips

by Alan Metcalfe

The term “blog” is merely an abbreviation of “weblog” meaning a frequently updated web-based journal on virtually any subject reflecting the style and/or personality of the writer. Just a few short years ago, blogs were mainly personal journals created for the amusement of the writer and for sharing ideas with friends and associates. This situation persisted until some blogs started to generate hits in the thousands, then millions and their potential as serious money making concerns became apparent. The fundamental question is: what is the objective of writing a blog? If it is merely to record impressions of cousin Jane`s wedding for friends and family, the barriers to success are pretty low. On the other hand, if the blog can generate wide appeal or it is designed to convey information about a company or any topic where site users will pay money to subscribe, or where advertising revenue can be generated, that opens up a whole new scenario. Assuming the latter, then a few simple tips may be of value.
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Blogging Tip: How to Find Topic Ideas

by: John Child

If you have a blog, you know that there is nothing more daunting than sitting down, and wondering what in the world you’re going to say in your next blog entry. You kind of have the feeling that if you don’t have something good to say, that no one will want to read it.

So how do you find stuff to talk about? Here are a couple of ideas:
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Optimizing WordPress Blogs

by: Jonathan Leger

When using WordPress Blogs, you need to use the proper elements. Headings are always at the top. Paragraphs need to have the right structure. Make sure your lists are actual List and not some gibberish. The theme should be constructed properly, if you use Images make sure there is text to back it up. Keep your content up to date and good, great of course would be better. Let you creativity flow. Use the permalink structure.
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WordPress Themes: Selecting an Effective Theme

by: Gobala Krishnan

If you’re blogging on the WordPress platform, I’ll bet my entire life savings that the first thing you ever did was try to install a new WordPress theme. I’ll bet my future earnings that even today you’re still occasionally changing themes and wasting a lot of time doing minor modifications that when summed up merely distracts you from blogging itself.

It’s actually easy to see why this single aspect of running a blog demands so much attention. With the correct theme, you can accommodate all the nifty little widgets and codes, and may also mean better search engine rankings and tons of fresh traffic every day.
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Installing WordPress Themes and Plugins

This is just a very quick overview of how to install all the fancy themes and plugins that make wordpress such a great blog platform.

Before you read this you should already be familiar with wordpress and be part way through setting up your blog. I would recommend you read the post “Blogs 101 The Essential Tips For Setting Up WordPress” on the TimScullin blog before you start.
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More Adsense Tips in Blogging

by: Ernan Baldomero

When I first made a “real website” by buying my own domain (Blogging the Internet), I started to tinker with various content management programs to build my site, and later learned that blogging is the easiest way. Now I’m sticking to it.

But at first I was one of the million newbie webmasters who are lured to the “get rich quick” paranoia” that abound in the internet and also tried my best looking for internet programs that will take me to that paranoia. I was utilizing various pre-hosted sites (my favorite is Freehostia in doing the test-and-try website building trying to find my own niche on the cyberspace and the same time hoping that I will earn somehow through it.
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7 Tips for Successful Blogging

By Michele Schermerhorn

So, you have a blog! Do you have traffic? Do you know how to build traffic to your weblog? There are seven proven methods for building readership of your blog. They start with defining the purpose, or life, of your blog. Then, after you have a blog worth promoting, driving traffic is crucial to your ongoing success at blogging.

Here are seven tips to help you build and hold an audience for your blog:
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Building Backlinks With Blogs

By Russell Savige

The most boring part of getting traffic to a website is getting backlinks. This is hard, boring, time consuming work. You spend hours finding relevant websites to link to, then spend hours more sending emails requesting backlinks, or submitting your sites to there links pages. And at the end of the day (actually in a few weeks), you have ½ a dozen new reciprocal link partners. that’s good and all, but it bores the living hell out of me, and I don’t have time for it. And they are only reciprocal links.
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Search Engine Optimization For Blogs

By Priya Shah

Blogging software is really a simple Content Management System (CMS) that easily adds new pages and integrates them into your site’s navigational structure and linkage.

Blogs and blog posts are naturally search engine friendly because they are text-rich, link-rich, frequently-updated webpages that use stylesheets or CSS, and have very little extraneous HTML.

Optimizing a blog is very similar to optimizing a website, and optimizing a blog post similar to optimizing a web page.
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