Online Project Management Software with Planning

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There are various types of project management software that cater to different types of requirements. There are desktop versions which you have install on a personal computer. And there are also web-based solutions which allows its users to access it from remote locations. Some are set up for a single user while some are set up for team collaboration allowing several users to use it concurrently.

Zoho Projects is an online Project Management Software designed specifically for collaboration. It features bug tracking and planning that allows users to collaborate and get work done faster. Some of its key features include:

Task Management

Keep your work organized and simple by using project tasks and tasks lists. The project milestones feature lets you have full control of what team members are doing and keep track of progress.

Document Sharing

Project files are created directly from your browser without the need to install any additional software. You can upload your MS Office, Open Office, AutoCad, Photoshop, ZIP files and many other document file types for easy sharing with team members.

Time Tracking & Billing

This feature keeps track of where your time is going, which projects are actively being worked on. Thus making it easy to identify actual working hours rendered. The timesheets helps identify time spent to complete tasks. You can also export all your timesheet data and send invoices for payments from within the software.

Gantt Charts

What is project management software without a Gantt chart?
This feature lets you assess how much time it requires for a project to complete. It also determines the resources required for the project and prioritize the order in which tasks are to be carried out.

Zoho Project also includes other features such as a Project Wiki, Project Chat, Project Calendar and Project Forums. For more information on this software, email your inquiries to support [at] zohoprojects [dot] com.

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Photo by airfocus on Unsplash

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